About me:
21 year old Female from Dubai Escorts, Dubai Escorts Service
Hello, I am hania a name to twist your tongue around, scream from the rooftops, or whisper to yourself in reminiscent delight
Take a breath in, and imagine me Playful and striking. Your heart beating faster as I charm the pants right off you. That hot surge in the air an instant and palpable attraction. Smooth skinned and squeezable in all the right places how good Id look on you.
Im that woman that radiates enormous warmth and irresistible allure. Independent and sometimes, a little eccentric, I love being myself an uninhibited good girl, with a sharp wit and a warm heart. Fun, affectionate, vivacious, sexy. Someone who believes that, if you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun. So, how did I end up here, you ask
I grew up in a traditional family of Russian and Hawaiian descent. And although my upbringing was traditional, my desires are anything but I was born with a hungry mind, a penchant for travel, and a mischievous sense of humour. My inner compass has always driven me to explore untrodden paths, and meet other people who walk the lesstraveled roads. An innate pleasureseeker with boundless curiosity, I love to indulge all of my senses through art, culture, and cuisine. Tickle my mind and share something with me the most intriguing film youve seen or the book that youre reading now. Tell me the funniest joke youve ever heard seduce me with laughter.
The blissfully intimate preamble is where I take delight the sensation of my leg against yours under the dinner table, eyes locked, immersed in conversation. Wine glasses are in need of a refill. I whisper in your ear, and a coy smile creeps up the side of your lips a connection we build by the tease which can be an act of intimacy more erotic than just about anything under the sun.
Shall we
If youd like to explore further, please peruse my website or follow my Twitter Instagram pages to learn more about me. Youll be pleased to know that you dont need an account on either to have a cheeky look